What is it: It was opened in 1894 to house the Reichstag (the imperial parliament that ruled Germany from 1871-1918). It was closed in 1933 after it caught fire and it sat empty until Germany reunified on October 3 1990. It was restored by the architect Sir Norman Foster and became the seat of the German parliament when it was completed in 1999.
What's it like: Very imposing. I could bore on for hours about it, because a) I did my dissertation on Unified Germany's role in Europe and b) I visited Bonn when it was still the capital and centre of government so I saw the alternative. I'll cut to my conclusion: I like the Reichstag.
Where: Berlin, Germany
When: March 2007
How: Pete
had always wanted to visit Colditz, so we did a tour of former East
German cities - we started in Leipzig, then Dresden, and then finally
Berlin. We also visited the Berlin Wall (also removed in 2020 edition) and the Brandenburg Gate (435).
Worth noting: It's definitely worth visiting the dome - it's free and you don't need to do the full tour of the building but you do have to book in advance.
Place in 2015 edition: 221